Boys will be
boys snois syob
Melissius of Samos
Magarian Ideas of Ideas
Elaic School ~οὐδὲν ἐξ οὐδενός
iDEAS have electrochemical coordinates in the brain muscle of the ideator
when the idea lights up the juice lights up
If the ideator emanates the ideas the coordinates pulse to a funky beat
the beats are the identifiable electrochemical coordinates of all ideas ideas of candy colored
sugar burnt oxygen
consumed silicon
released inside of the nutcase of the ideator until the waves dissipate into the surrounding atmosphere
releasing heat
carbon monoxide
food for plants
a subset of ideas has coordinates that map to electrochemical systems outside of the brain of the ideator as those waves tickle the ivories of any cats in the alley on or off the hot tin roof
This subset {[the cats that {{meow}} or ([screech]) and scram is a dent in the fabric of reality that leaves a mark
This mark is not the bible writer, this mark is the one that remains for a while until the Cabron and the carbon are ready for the big siesta
The big siesta that never comes in the ever pumping toroidal torus of tori toruling in a torrid way around itself and itself again and itself and a few friends in a never ending st vitus dance that only the dancers of the st vitus dance can dance in the way that the universe lays down with regular regularity unicorns be damned
These ideas can be reconciled using the fulcrum of Pi
If A>B>{nullset} and
a - b / a ^ a/b is the question
a ^ a/b + b/a is the question
ab ^ a + bb/a is the question
aab ^ aa + bb is the question
aa ^ AA +B is the question
B ^ AA - AA
is the question
Zeno of Elea
reductio ad absurdum
Language is expressible as a collection of sets of heffalumps geffalumps and zeffalumps.
Lyric poetry and other forms of music can be infinitely crafted from strings dots whole cloth or any other means available.
Tautological reduction of the language to component parts will reveal the poetic elements and
the absurdity of any claimed point as one with correlates in the electrochemical field of empirical data or as fungible points
points with ends with color
with a pulse
of material in nature with measurable extremes a heat signature and a molecular weight
When none exist as they would if said points were in reality real really as all real points are really map able
to correlates on the electrochemical
Look up and to the left
On the occasion of the brain emanation where nothing is no thing as opposed to the smell of said fart
then one can contemplate ones navel half the distance to contemplation for an infinite amount of contemplation contemplating contemplatively and one will never contemplate what might otherwise be contemplated when the contemplation is actually
looking at reality and watching while contemplating what is watching how the watched is being watched how the object of observation is both the observed and the observer observing the observed and the observed observing the observer
as the dude Heisenberg clearly laid out with the dead cat is not a light switch or a rock being hit with a sledgehammer or any less than an ever active set of sets of sets all of which are in any state of open ness or closed ness or otherwise ness with any potential life system threatening gizmo ready to inflict the unimaginable on the poor kitty
meanwhile back at the ranch in the kittys theoretical stomach and other sets of theoretical entities with in of with with and without which said kitty would not be in the picture or the box to begin with are something like
The distinct color spectrum observable arising pulsating with activity and subsiding in activity or triggering other activity depending on the reception signal to noise ratio observable on the spectrum of
it the defining moments
being watched is watching back how reality is behaving as it is being observed by the observer and it is interacting with the observer as it must do in order to be observed in the most observable way that the beauty of nature sings out to be observed at every beat observable on the electrochemical
look up and to the left
spectrum of beatness for as many zeptoseconds as any skinny suited LHC mod wants to specify times 3.14159 the complete set of complete completeness.
look up and to the left slowly this time
watch as the eyeballs move
see the holes in the picture
The distance to be crossed becomes absurdly absurd
Techne (Greek: τέχνη, tékhnē, 'craft, art'; Ancient Greek: [tékʰnɛː]
at the other end of the spectrum the unicorns are not making the universe move and one more added to a big pile is not a significant event under and circumstance in any way imaginable certainly Pi is the best idea of infinity that is imaginable and has been in front of the best minds who appear to be confused by the concept of 3.14159 multiplied by itself a few times without the black space or with it at the spot where 5 is not on the side of 9 you should be set for any intellectual discussion of the here to fore mystical and oft described as a difficult concept to imagine much less put into practical use
not specifically but certainly importantly when it comes to the pointedzebraish idea of unicorns poking the bag that contains the universe we are inside of and causing that bag which clearly does not exist to move At the same time at one might imagine how easy it might be to shoot a piece of electricity in a big circle at
a not her
piece of electricity a long way away and expect something special to happen Something that has not been happening for quite a few moments of momentum now
ergo 0={} a place holder for very little or the cookie no longer in the cookie jar but now being voraciously vociferated by your limbic system where every drop in the pool of you
gets a nudge as new fuel is released into the waiting arms of the needay and and waste products are released to be re moved and re cycled to other friends and relatives in needs of a little hug and a sweet kiss of kisses
which begins to snake sense of herds of zebras migrating behind herds of the next faster species followed by the next slower species from the herd level to the idea of people like to move and people like to stay and to go
Pi that in your hat my friends
The Beautiful
eudemonia, /juːdɪˈmoʊniə/
Arete (Greek: ἀρετή) is a concept in ancient Greek thought that, in its most basic sense, refers to "excellence" of any kind.[1] The term may also mean "moral virtue".[1] In its earliest appearance in Greek, this notion of excellence was ultimately bound up with the notion of the fulfillment of purpose or function: the act of living up to one's full potential
The person of Arete
is of the highest effectiveness; they use all of their faculties—strength, bravery, and wit—to achieve real results.
In the Homeric world,
Arete involves all
of the abilities and potentialities available to humans.
Present active participle of sapiō (“I discern”).
sapientia f (genitive sapientiae); first declension
calliditās f (genitive calliditātis); third declension
Turtles all the way up