The world is presented to the brain muscle upside down and backwards. There is no question about this. The eyeballs are hard wired into the brain unit and the wires are crossed and plugged in up side down relative to the way they are attached to the back of the eyeball where there is a blind spot in each eyeball at the location where the electrochemical processes are busy doing some other work and the cerebellum is smart enough to know how to flip the images fill in the blanks line it up with the rest of the picture and keep the camera rolling whether there is financing available or not.
The image that appears to the watcher of the brainzZ in[terp](re)\tat/ion Zees {{aA {pi} Cz ic ture} zZhat is {Kcon[zZs[truc]{te}d }}out of whole cloth
There is simply no question about how this process of processes works is working and has been working for some four or ten thousand spins of the moon around the pale blue dot sometimes known as earth now and kNOWn about as back in the day it was not herald of forz zZomeone E to fall down and crack their nutcase open for all to see and ogle on the wall of a beach where the water sweeps the sweet memory away in the sand be the wave that cutwith the T tell the truth to me and cut with an H doth halve a T noth make the fake is Ekaf when snake is the rake so for the sake of the cake take out that traKce of burnt in skin where grey and wet grim the slim shady line noth lay the wave is /+\ way to see the sea C the constant of three 3rE3
3.14159 the complete set of sets conZaining all of the KomBoneRZ to H the Zzzs inzoo TzzzS Zen Treez and Zeets where the angle twangs tweet andthe nonsense salt speaks to chalk the bored all day so flay your ear drums away and the next time you hear one say B ored me be Chalk Board WAILWHALE FORTH FROTH YE WAY all the day and the night so bright on the pole near the hole where your noggin whence be
There are two other distinctly unique electrochemical signatures in every moment of now ~ness~ as the pulsating every thing ~ness~ pulsates one comes into the ear hole on the side of the brain that the eyeball on the other side of the nose is delivering itszZzzzts data tube to through the yulee tide of optic fiber cable that run from the back of the mesh of salt filled salt density at an angle detectors surrounding the gaping hole defining pi for the unit looking the out out through the back door of these lines
The next unique set of data comes into the ear hole on the side of the nose where the eyeball that is delivering information to the piece of the brain muscle near the other ear is located and collecting beats cheats bleats meats and tweets from birds not the idiots wasting their time on twitter The grand finale for the home run comes through the skin bag and its many and various holes pores ports of storm posh out alee in input devices devizng internal air filter ozyzen cleaNer and de cOOmpoZer into the relevant the renevant and needed bits and pieces{{{((([[[EZH]]])))}}}The lymbic system which for all intents and purposes comprises 90+% of the 66% of your biomass that is you and not unrelated and unteachable friends of yours who work tirelessly to keep your shit together and your show on the road...yes that one the one whoere something is always happening and something is always being and becoming anaLIEZINZThe pirates always uZed to Zay X marGZ the Xzot when X is the way and that is where the fibre /// cross e fire \b\\ right at the spot where if you were to have said something non\seen/sical for Z number of yearZ knowing Zis Zing vazZawazZZzo non sense yet attempting to belief zomezing elf {St}hie tip of your toungue would clap into place at this very spot...the Z spot zenter of your mat fzs and lined pretty much right up with said oro fice not oro Face to be fed mice where the out is the out and the in nonce begin they say they sin the zin of the spin whence in is inin the lines cross right at that zZzspot where gifen any other magical Vaei thzhings work they are suspended in a salt water solution and depending on whether your noggin is noddin or normal L shaped with the } not on the beach or on the beach drawing lines in the sand to understand yeah the lines of fiber optic waves containing the translated data XroXz there two go down and plug into the brain bag in the ginko leaf pattern visible on the head of a sumo boy or the mouth of the nile crossing paths and moving along the waves Greaged by the lines coming in from the ear funnels converting the density component of the color into the correlating correlates on the correlate dial two go up and tickle the toes of the pineal pea brain that contains the nuclear codes to the same shit that the rest of the units in your moon unit posess and when everying who has a job shuts the fuck up and does does the first thing which is to meow the lingo back to the cat that hizzed it at you in ognil the inverse you can now assume the position of worker of citizen of infidiual of ruler of your republic and friend to others and boom the dream that is a complete fantasy in terms of what just happened looks like a word on a page written by some something somewhere somehow now